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Experience Energetic Mind/Body Stress Reduction For A Beautiful Complexion and Mental Well-Being

We offer a non-invasive therapeutic technology that will energetically scan and harmonize your body's stresses and imbalances, returning your body back to health by reducing the stressors that cause disease. Excess stress is the pathway to disease. Excess stress can often materialize as dull, lifeless complexion. Miraculously, a half hour session can more often than not, re-energize your outward appearance by decreasing your overall stress level.

Come in and meet Elaine Anderson, our BioFeedback specialist! Sign up for Stress Reduction therapy.  We could all use a session or two!

KYMA Client

How Stress Relates to Health

Optimal health requires looking at the body as a system. To properly support this system, nutrition and exercise are crucial components, but so is something else-the body electric. Everything we do is controlled and enabled by electric signals running through our body. Essentially this is the body’s pathways of communication.  Imagine a work environment where each individual has a specific task to perform with communication being foundational to an efficient and optimal outcome, but somewhere along the line a breakdown in communication occurs. The task to be performed and carried out would continue for a while, with increasing difficulty and less ease until intervention is unavoidable. The human body is no different.  The body is designed to repair and heal itself, but stress patterns can cause a disruption in communication and hamper its ability to do so.  Stress is typically thought of as being emotional or mental, but there are many other forms that the body perceives as stressors as well. Some examples include: environmental toxins, illness, injuries, unhealthy lifestyle patterns, and even simply the hustle and bustle of our modern society, filled with its endless technology and stimuli. Virtually anything that places a burden on the body can place it under a state of stress.

What does stress do?

Our bodies are designed to go into what is called fight or flight mode when confronted with a threat. A threat can be perceived or real; the body’s reaction is the same for either scenario. During this process the body rapidly mobilizes a large amount of energy and diverts it to systems necessary for survival, leaving other systems with less than optimal energy. When stress remains chronic it causes the body to remain in fight or flight mode. Over time, the body transitions from a state of alarm to a state of adaptation, and eventually a state of exhaustion. Chronic stress is a known precursor for a vast array of health ailments, such as anxiety, lowered immune function, and impaired digestion; while stress reduction has been shown to have positive effects on both emotional and physiological well-being.


The Quantum Xrroid (QX for short) is emerging technology that reads the body at the speed of a computer – leading the way to non-invasive, non-pill based techniques. The QX is a profound energetic medicine system, it operates at the cutting edge of energetic biofeedback.

It is a state of of the art evoked potential bio-feedback system for stress detection and stress reduction. The accuracy and reliability of the QX biofeedback system is based on decades of research conducted in the field of bio-energetic and bio-response medicine.

Science has shown us that the body is indeed electric; therefore electrical activity in the body can be measured via responses to impedance, amperage, voltage, capacitance, inductance and frequencies. The device measures sixteen standard electrical parameters of the body beyond just simple resistance as most standard point and probe devices only measure resistance. Trivector resonant frequencies (a mathematical calculation of the relationship between voltage, amperage and resistance) of substances are compared to the trivector resonant frequencies of your client.


KYMA Client


Energetic Anti-Aging Rejuvenation

-90 minutes

An overall energetic rejuvenation reversing the negative effects of gravity as well as stimulating stress reduction.



energy restoration, anti-aging, stress reduction, environmental stressors, relieve effects of gravity, energetic overall face rejuvenation

Energetic Face Rejuvenation

-60 minutes

An overall energetic non-surgical facelift.



Energy restoration, anti-aging, stress reduction, environmental stressors, energetic facelift

Energetic Body Rejuvenation

-90 minutes

An overall energetic weight management and stress reduction.



energy restoration, anti-aging, stress reduction, environmental stressors, face and beauty, weight management, body scan and reshape, skin and hair, exercise motivation and fitness



The QX is an incredibly accurate biofeedback stress reduction system, combining the best of biofeedback stress reduction. During testing, the QX device resonates with thousands of tissues, organ, nutrients, toxins and allergens for one hundredth of a second each and records the degree to which the body reacts. This type of rapid testing is known as the Xrroid process.  The QX measures voltage and current potential as well as skin resistance. To measure trans-cutaneous skin resistance, we apply a medically safe, variant micro-current to the body. Patient/client safety is guaranteed. The changes in voltage, amperage and resistance give us reactivity profiles which determine the Xrroid.  With the possibilities of combining quantum physics, emerging computer technology, non-linear math and “fuzzy logic” into a device that encompasses the best of all of them while minimizing human bias and error, synthetic chemicals and invasive surgeries.


The QX identifies and measures the stress levels with Electro-muscular responses, electro-cardiograms and electro-encephalograms –

techniques with which you are probably already familiar.


  • is totally non-invasive, requiring only 5 comfortable straps at wrists, ankles and forehead

  • measures, compares and provides feedback on 9,000 compounds in the test, is completely independent of user-error, personal bias or machine malfunction

  • establishes a tri-vector relationship between the body being tested and the compound database, offering a 3-dimensional view of the body’s health works on the physical, mental and emotional levels because all 3 react in the body electro-magnetically and can be accurately measured

  • provides feedback in minutes, not hours or days is portable and can be used almost anywhere

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