More info on Biofeedback
Biofeedback is a mind-body technique that has been around for many years. It helps teach people how to influence their autonomic nervous systems in the areas of General Stress Reduction, Brainwave Relaxation Training, Pain Management, and Muscular Re-Education.
The autonomic nervous system controls involuntary functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, brainwave frequency, and muscle tension. With the use of electrodes via EDR (electrodermal response), the information gathered is “fed back” to the person so that they can learn to monitor and control their responses in a more positive, balanced fashion. This form of active participation biofeedback is what we refer to as “Classical”; however, a newer, more holistic form is gaining more and more popularity, as people are realizing the importance of a wellness paradigm shift vs. disease treatment. It operates on the same foundational principles of Classical Biofeedback of “teaching” and “re-educating” physiological responses, but occurs at what we call a passive level by interfacing with the nervous system. Every system in our body, whether cardiovascular, digestive or reproductive, has a complex and beautiful balance it must keep, occurring beneath our conscious awareness and controlled by the nervous system. Due to the scientific fact that the building blocks of the entire universe, as well as the human body, are atomic, every cell, organ, and system has its own unique frequency.
Stressors such as pathogens, environmental toxins, unnatural electromagnetic frequencies, injuries, and even trapped emotions can disrupt these natural frequencies, leading to an increased state of stress – a leading cause of many health conditions. Using a common, everyday liquid to illustrate the idea of energy, water can take on different states based on the amount of kinetic energy in its molecules. It can be a gas, liquid or solid. Even though all three forms have the same molecular structure, the energetic expression, or frequency, is different. The change in frequency causes a change in function. You can't cool your lemonade with boiling water or brew coffee with ice cubes. Using this as an analogy for the body, external factors can have an impact on the frequencies of our organs and systems and their functionality.
With the use of a state-of-the-art, non-invasive, FDA registered EPR (electro physiological reactivity) biofeedback device, areas of stress can be addressed through a process of entrainment. The goal is to return the body's frequencies to their natural state, correcting the stress patterns.
We can measure factors of the body electric such as the voltage of the firing brain cells, the amperage of the heart muscle contractions, the voltage of muscles and the resistance to the flow of electricity of the skin. Precise measurements of the body electric through the use of head and limb electrodes are used to provide the practitioner with the bio-energetic data necessary for the overall picture. The device has been designed to record the body-electric’s response to a vast database of voltammetric signatures via EDR (electro dermal response). A wide variety of refined parameters, unique to each person and their stress profile, are chosen and “fed-back” to the client to gently “teach” or “re-educate” the body, along with guided imagery and deep breathing relaxation.
Every organ and system within the human body has a beautiful and complex balance it must keep. All of this takes place beneath our conscious awareness, thanks to the autonomic nervous system. The system is designed to use a cybernetic loop in which a two-way communication between the device and the nervous system occur; it is constantly checking in with the client and measuring progress. The software has also been designed with auto-focusing technology for maximum training capacity. The large variety of modalities to choose from, coupled with the incorporation of voltammetric signatures throughout the session make this a very powerful, yet gentle, general or specific stress reduction modality. Biofeedback can be used alone or can be a great support to other modalities.
The goal is to restore electrical balance by reducing stress through re-education. The body possesses the amazing ability of self-correction and healing given the right environment. Biofeedback supports the body in a holistic fashion by honoring its interconnection and complexity. It neither treats or diagnosis, but can be a very powerful wellness modality in aiding the integration and balance of mind, body, and spirit - factors critical to optimal health.
Auto-Frequency Training Program: Performs a baseline measurement of stress related imbalances in the polarity of the organ systems, and allows for retraining those stress patterns.
Auto Trivector Training Program: Retrains stress patterns in three primary waveforms found in healthy tissues: capacitance, inductance, and conductance.
Super Learning Training Program: Re-educates the brain to function for optimal learning.
Brainwave Relaxation Training: Retrains brain waves in relation to stress response.
Autonomic Nervous System Training Program: Allows for retraining stress patterns in the sympathetic, parasympathetic and vagus nerve.
Spinal Muscular Re-education: Re-educates the muscles and nerves associated with and supporting the spine.
Muscular Re-education for Athletes: Allows for re-education and stress reduction programs specific to performance enhancement.
Pain Management: Retrains to balance out stress profiles linked to pain.
Hormone Stress Re-balancing Training Program: Helps clients retrain stress reactions which may be affecting the endocrine system.
Stress and Cortisol Re-balancing Training Program: Helps clients learn healthy adrenal patterns in relation to stress responses.