Full face and neck lifting treatment
Eye lift treatment
Hand rejuvenation treatment
Problems related to:
Epidermal aging: Dehydration lines, redness, dull and lifeless complexion.
Dermal aging: Expression lines, deep wrinkles around the eyes and lips, solar elastosis on the cheeks and neckline.
Muscle aging: Sagging jowls, nasal-labial fold, sagging eyelids.
Soli-Tone 2500 is a powerful, non-invasive device that facilitates energy and information transfer within the skin tissue. Layering and combining Light therapy, Impulse Micro-Currents and Ultrasound provides maximum facial and muscle rejuvenation. This is accomplished safely and comfortably, without the use of such invasive procedures as Lasers and IPLs (Intense Pulsed Light).
Experimental treatments over a one year period using subjects between the ages of 35 to 55 years were conducted. The test conclusively showed that layering multiple technologies during treatment procedures produced amazing results.
LEDs deliver sufficient energy to stimulate a response from the body to heal itself. The levels are low enough so that no tissue damage can occur.
The Lumi-Lift is a combination of micro-current, LED, and iontophoresis providing instant lifting and toning to the face and soothing redness.
SOLI-TONE 2500 LUMILIFT® Visible lifting effect as of the very first session!
Epidermal level: Increased cell renewal, decreased pore size, regulated hydro-lipidic film, decreased redness and pigmentation problems.
Dermal level: Stimulated fibroblast cells, increased collagen production, decreased collagenase (destruction of collagen fibres), and restored intercellular communication resulting in smoother skin and less wrinkles.
Muscular level: Lifted sagging muscles, restored muscle tone, stimulated Golgi Tendon Organ (muscle’s communication center).
Light Therapy Soli-Tone 2500 - A revolutionary approach to maximizing facial rejuvenation by means that are non-invasive and that respect the physiology and biology of the skin and muscles.Soli-Tone 2500 attacks problems from the inside, leaving the outer skin completely intact, without any visible signs of damage to the skin. Unlike Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) and lasers which rely on thermal injuries to prompt the skin to repair itself, Light Emitting Diodes are non-invasive and safer than sunlight.
The Soli-Tone 2500 unit was named after the Soliton-effect which occurs during light exposure. A Soliton is a wave of energy that occurs at frequencies within the visible light spectrum. Pulsed red light (640nm) creates a dynamic effect within the skin. It sets up a signal transport system in living tissue, affecting protein and lipid chains, flooding and positively stimulating the targeted cells.
Soli-Tone 2500 employs 3 forms of energy – (photobiostimulation), conducted. Impulse Micro-Currents (electrical) and Ultrasonic energy which are successively applied to the skin.
The premise is that light energy penetrates the skin, repairing and stimulating the deeper tissue through Neo-collagen formation. At the same time, the synergistic effect between the Impulse Micro-Currents and the Ultrasonic energy addresses the issue of unwanted deep facial creases caused by sagging muscles. These energy sources provide greater wrinkle reduction, a tighter facial contour and eliminate undesirable pigmentation and redness without epidermal or dermal injury.
The Soli-Tone 2500 unit offers a wide variety of treatments, suitable for all skin types, colors and aging. Each is tailored to treat the clients’ specific skin condition. Soli-Tone 2500 is the perfect answer to new market demands for non-invasive therapy that provides immediate visible results, with no down time.